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Ka se Kala

A service design initiative for education in the craft sector of India.

Ka se kala title
Finding purpose-IITH-02.jpg



Defining opportunity for service intervention

kala opportunity


Field research_Education.jpg

Secondary Research 


Literature review
Review of craft books and blogs
Understanding craft brands


Primary Research 


Ethnographic research - Amaba Ji, local market, school, stone workshop, & craft shops
Stakeholder interview
Focus group discussion - stone craft students and artisans
Observational research at Koteswar cluster
Organization study

Research findings and Insights

Research findings

Learner Persona for Ka se Kala

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Ecosystem mapping

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Defining the core solution for craft education service

kala app concept-01.png
ka se kala solution

Stakeholder mapping for Ka se Kala

Kala stakeholders
ka se kala solution

Craft learning journey with Ka se Kala

Craft learners' journey through different modes of service at Ka se Kala. 

1. A kit that works with ka se Kala application

2. Enrolling at partner institutes

3. Attending Ka se Kala workshops

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Service Blueprint for each mode of delivery i.e Kit, Institute, and workshop

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Service Landmarks

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Business Model Canvas

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Business Expansion Plan for Ka se Kala

The business can be expanded over three verticles-

1. Building a community for learning 

2. Making the craft learning inclusive in every way

3. Conservation of craft heritage

16_2018_business expansion.jpg_craft edu

Visual Identity of Ka se Kala

Ka se Kala is built on the values of rich culture and indic knowledge. The visual identity needs to be a true representation of Indian handicrafts and a celebration of the hand skills. The education for the craft sector has infinite possibilities and upliftment opportunities.


The logo is an amalgamation of the Devanagari letter 'Ka' and a symbol for infinity.

ka se kala logo.png




Products for Ka se Kala

kala kit2

The kit comes with tools and materials required to practice the craft at home and it also comes with a code to access the ka se Kala mobile application for learning.

1. A physical kit with tools and materials

2. An application to learn and explore innovative ideas.

Storyboard of the concept

storyboard ka se kala app -01.jpg

Information architecture

Information architecture.png

Wireframe sketches


Low fidelity screens

low fi kala.png
Hi fi kala.png

High fidelity screens



Check the complete documentation of the service at the Beyond matter website 

My role and reflections

The project is the combined efforts of 3 craft enthusiastic people. The research, analysis, and design kept everyone involved without clear division of work. We contributed to each stage as a team and pushed each other to do better.


I saw myself grow into a nuanced researcher with framing, filtering, shooting right questions. The project allowed to explore various methods and weigh the pros and cons while selecting specific methodologies.


Most importantly, we managed the transition from conventional research and co-creation to online work. It allowed exploring new ways to collaborate and navigate through the project.



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